Opening the doors
We opened our distillery in George’s Lane in April 2019 with a view to creating small-batch, handcrafted spirits and promoting a lesser-known and better Gibraltar.
Usually renowned for cheap booze and alcohol not to mention smuggling, we thought we would steer away from the infamy and work towards fame. We wanted something contemporary, fresh and vibrant not harking back to times gone by; battles, dates and military men and we found this in the amazing flora and fauna of Gibraltar.
Who knew? One of the rarest flowers in the world grows here on the rock. Thought to be extinct but then rediscovered in the 1990s, Campion (silene tomentosa) grows wild nowhere else in the world and therefore had to be the name of our first gin. A beautiful plant with tiny flowers and a heady scent similar to jasmine, its seeds are kept at the seed bank in Kew Gardens so that it never becomes extinct.
The seeds we use in our blend were harvested from plants grown in the Alameda Gardens and sold to us by the head gardener there at the time. Campion gin was voted one of the best gins in the world in the 2020 World Gin Awards. Unique in every sense of the word.
Onwards and Upwards!
After surviving the pandemic and having been in the privileged position of being able to produce hand sanitiser with our stocks of alcohol for our local health authority when none was available, we are grateful to be back on track. It felt good to be able to help and do our civic duty (for cost, not profit we hasten to add), and we did get a thank you letter from the Chief Minister and a Christmas card too.
Joyfully we are back to making our lovely gins and the distillery is once again full of the delicious smells of distillation and botanicals and the happy laughter of visitors.
The Gibraltar Gin Experience and our nod to the historic!
Jaco, Plymouth Style and Old Tom all came about because of requests from people attending the GGE. The blends were developed to help show in the best way possible (by tasting) how gin has evolved over the centuries to become what it is today.
It’s fun, it’s informative, great value for money with excellent reviews.
Candytuft (Iberis gibraltarica)
Our second premium gin launched in December 2021. A New Western Dry gin with summer notes of peaches and pink grapefruit. Named after Gibraltar’s national flower we discovered that this plant is actually indigenous to North Africa and Gibraltar is the only place it grows on mainland Europe.
Because of Gibraltar’s limestone composition, it is geologically similar to North Africa rather than Spain. Both Campion and Candytuft can be seen at the Alameda Gardens, a beautiful oasis of calm in the hubbub of Gibraltar.
The Airport Shop
February 2022 saw the opening of our shop in the departure lounge of Gibraltar International Airport. Not many, if any distilleries can boast of a location such as this.
Feel free to pop in and say hello, and if you haven’t tried our spirits before come and have a taste.